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Top 3 Most Preventable Homeowner’s Insurance Claims

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    Top 3 Most Preventable Homeowner’s Insurance Claims

    May 16 2014

    As a homeowner, you always think a disaster will never happen to you. When it does, you begin questioning whether you could have done something to prevent the issue from happening. If you are worried about property preservation, you need to check out the top three most preventable insurance claims.

    Burst Hose on Your Washing Machine

    The hoses that you get when you buy a washing machine all end up leaking at one point in time or another. Since the laundry room isn’t a high traffic area, the damage from water can often be more extensive than you realize. To help with your property preservation in Livonia, MI, replace rubber hoses once every three years. You can also opt for the metal hoses to increase the lifespan of your hose.

    Slow Leaks around the Shower and Tub

    One of the worst things about this type of disaster is that it isn’t normally covered under your insurance policy. Over the course of time, the caulking or grout can end up cracking or decaying allowing water to seep into the floors or wall and rot the wood away. Maintain any seals to help keep the water on the inside of the shower. Reseal your shower and tub on a yearly basis. If there are any spills, you should wipe them up right away.

    Unattended Cooking Fire

    If you aren’t paying attention, a cooking fire can quickly spiral out of control. It can become one of the worst tragedies your home endures. Melting candles can do just as much damage in the home. Once they start melting, they can cause surrounding objects to catch on fire. Anytime you have a flame going in the home, you need to make sure you are standing around monitoring it to ensure property preservation in Livonia, Michigan.

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